See our wide range of Traffic Calming Solutions, including speed bumps, cushions, ramps, and tables, designed to enhance safety and reduce vehicle speeds.
Traffic calming is the use of physical measures to control vehicle speed. The main aim of traffic calming is to slow vehicles and reduce the risk of traffic accidents. This can help to maintain safe environments for both drivers and pedestrians on public roads.
Traffic calming works by creating physical changes to the road layout. Standard measures mean creating a speed bump or ramp that drivers must go over when on that road. The driver must slow to the appropriate speed in order to avoid an uncomfortable drive or possible damage to their car.
Traffic calming may include a collection of devices, including signage, ground markings or speed bumps.
What is a Traffic Calming Measure?
A traffic calming measure is a bump or hump used to slow vehicles down. The sharp bump caused by the traffic calmer deters drivers from speeding. By controlling vehicle speed overall risk of accidents is reduced.
A speed cushion or speed table will provide a less severe bump. These measures allow traffic to flow at a reasonable speed, ideal for urban settings like towns or cities.
Traffic calming will include devices such as:
- Speed Bumps - Speed bumps are the most effective traffic calming measure. The physical bump caused to drivers has proven to deter drivers from speeding in the area
- Speed Cushions - The speed cushion will slow vehicles but allow traffic to flow at a reasonable speed. Studies have shown that traffic calming devices like these not only slow vehicle traffic drastically, they also reduce the severity of accidents if they occur.
- Speed Tables - A speed table can reduce traffic speed while also creating a pedestrian crossing for a public street. Speed tables and speed cushions are also better traffic calming systems where emergency vehicles are concerned.
- Sleeping Policeman - Sleeping policeman is a common UK term used for speed bumps or speed humps.
- Street furniture - Street Furniture refers to devices or equipment installed on public roads. Street furniture like refuge islands or cycle lane separators can help to guide vehicles and protect cyclists from harm.
Appropriate signage may also be deployed to work alongside the traffic calming measures.
Where is traffic calming needed?
Traffic calming is needed where there is an immediate danger to pedestrians. The measures aim to reduce speed on the approach to built up areas. They are usually installed in towns and cities, reducing the speed of vehicles with high volumes of pedestrians in the area.
Kerb extensions, road markings, signage or street furniture can also be used to funnel vehicles towards the traffic calming device or to give a clear warning of the devices in place.
What traffic calming measure to use?
The most popular traffic calming measure is a speed ramp in the road. The physical bump caused to drivers is enough to deter them from speeding in an area. Kerb extensions and road markings can also be used to funnel vehicles towards the bump or ramp.
At Pittman we have various traffic calming measures available including traffic calming rumble strips and traffic calming humps.
The XPT-50 Speed Bump Kit 50mm is made from the toughest vulcanised rubber and provides the ultimate solution for longevity and durability while in use.
When you need a traffic calming measure that incorporates pedestrian safety to the highest manner our XPT Modular Rubber Pedestrian Crossing Speed Table can provide the best solution. This high-quality rubber speed table helps to slow down traffic in a busy area while also providing a means for pedestrians to cross roads safely.
For a quick traffic calming solution our XPT Berlin Speed Cushion comes in 4 modular sections and helps to slow down traffic in a busy area while allowing emergency vehicles to proceed over them with great ease.
For more information on our Traffic Calming Measures call us today - we can quote on anything from in the traffic calming range within 24 hours.