Use entrance mats to help remove water and debris from pedestrian shoes. Doing this allows you to reduce indoor cleaning costs for your premises. Entrance matting can help to stop the spread of water and debris through your building.
Entrance mats are an inexpensive way to keep indoor areas clean. They can create an excellent first impression upon entrance into your business. Custom logo entrance mats are an excellent yet simple branding tool and help elevate your brand to the next level.
As well as delivering important practical benefits, entrance mats also give visitors their first impression of a company or organisation. Pittman® supply entrance mats in a wide range of colour and patterns to match and complement any interior. This gives entrances a professional, stylish appearance.
Use the Aqua Trap® Entrance Mat to reduce the spread of water and dirt indoors. The surface design helps to remove stubborn dirt from shoes. Each mat can retain a large amount of water, reducing the risk of slips indoors.

Install entrance mats at key doorways at your premises. By removing dirt and debris before it has a chance to spread you can reduce cleaning costs and slips or falls.
If using outdoor entrance mats ensure they have holes for drainage. The GHP Rubber Mat offers excellent grip during rain. The holes in the surface allow for drainage and keep the surface free of water build-up.
Indoor entrance mats are carpeted mats placed inside entrances to buildings. They act as a barrier against dirt and water from being tracked inside.
Outdoor entrance mats are PVC or rubber mats placed outside entrances to buildings. They are designed to scrape debris and drain water from shoes before entering the building.
Use an outdoor and indoor entrance mat in conjunction with one another for a whole area approach to safety and cleanliness at your entrance.
Entrance mats absorb or drain water and scrape debris from shoes as they are being walked over. This allows businesses to keep entrances and foyers free of excess water, leaves, or gravel which can cause slips or accidents.
Entrance mats come with either a vinyl or rubber backing, which have anti-slip properties. This allows the mat to anchor to whatever surfae is underneath and avoide it moving while in use.
1. Determine the level of foot traffic at your entrance. Our mats are classified into heavy, medium or light traffic.
2. Choose the qualities you would like in the mat. Eg; wheelchair friendly, fire retardent, absorbing, cold resistant, etc.
3. Measure the area you are placing the mat into. Pick the size that best suits you.
Indoor entrance mats can be vacuumed on a regular basis to remove an debris. If stained, the mat can be cleaned with a standard carpet cleaner.
Outdoor entrance mats can be hosed down to remove any debris and left to dry.
None of the entrance mats are suitable for a washing machine.
Contact our matting expert with any questions, to obtain a quote or for help with your mat enquiry.
Our knowledgeable team is on hand to help. Call us on 01 5312777 or email sales@pittman.ie