
Contain Leaks from Vehicles, Tanks and Machinery to Prevent Spills

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Berms offer an excellent means for containing spills. The berms act as a buffer against the release of liquids to open ground. Spill berms not only protect employees from harmful spills - they protect nearby assets and ground from damage. They can help to save on costly repairs and are very easy to set up in a matter of minutes.

What is a spill berm?

A spill berm is a rigid container that surrounds the underside of a vehicle, tank or pallet to contain spills. These spill berms help to catch spills and to prevent them from releasing onto open ground. Berms are usually very easy to set up - most will come in a one-piece design.

Why use spill berms?

Use spill berms to capture leaking fluids.The berms help to prevent the spread of potentially dangerous liquids such as petroleum or industrial chemicals. By capturing the spills it can reduce the risk of fires and burns as well as damage to nearby assets. They are used regularly during emergencies as well as regular routine repairs.


what is a spill berm

How to use a spill berm?

Use a spill berm by placing it directly under the affected vehicle or piece of equipment.Ideally berms should be put in place pre-emptively. The spill containment berm comes in a one-piece design and required little to no setup.

Which spill berm to use?




heavy duty berm